Bp deepwater horizon oil spill bioremediation
The British Petroleum oil spill (BP oil spill), also known as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, is the largest oil spill in the history of the petroleum production industry . Due to the magnitude of this event and environmental and political damage it caused, a significant scientific effort has been made to study its effect on ocean and coastal ecosystems. In many expansive oil spills, such as the Exxon Valdez or BP Deepwater Horizon incidents, substantial effects were seen when petroleum was released into those marine ecosystems. The explosion caused a fire and the rig burnt for 36 hours before it was sunk. This led the hydrocarbons to leak into the gulf. Only after 87 days, the well was then successfully closed and sealed. The oil spill cover 75, 000km square area and 39,000 million gallons of oil are released into the Gulf